Resident Inventory List Resident Name(Required) First Last Personnel of the Woodhaven Retirement Community are responsible for assisting residents with hearing aids, eyeglasses, and dentures each morning and evening. Hearing aids, eyeglasses, and dentures will be appropriately placed on the resident each morning after the resident is out of bed and removed each evening prior to the resident going to bed.The Woodhaven Retirement Community is not liable to replace or repair hearing aids that are misplaced, lost or broken by resident nor will Woodhaven be financially responsible for misplaced or broken dentures or eyeglasses. The replacement and/or repair cost will be paid by the resident and/or responsible party. Labeling and identification with resident name on each item, including eyeglasses, dentures, hearing aids and all clothing is very important.Appliances (List All Appliances. Each should be on a different line and include all details specified below.)Please Use the following format: 1. Microwave - GE - 24x24x36Watch?(Required)YesNoWatch Details (Brand, Size, etc.)Dentures?(Required)YesNoDenture DetailsEye Glasses?(Required)YesNoEye Glasses DetailsHearing Aid?(Required)YesNoHearing Aid DetailsAll Other Items (Please list all posessions and have each one be on a new line. Please include Quanity, Item Name, If it's new or if it has been removed).Name (Person filling out this form)(Required) First Last Today's Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Signature(Required)