Fun and Fulfilling Ways to Make Extra Money in Retirement

For many people, retirement no longer means stepping away from work life forever. Getting a job after retirement is a great way to fill your free time and earn some extra income while staying mentally and physically active. Plus, work can give your life the meaning and structure that might be missing from your retirement. Whether you’re looking for flexible part-time work or an exciting full-time position, you’ve got plenty of great options! You may not even need special training, skills, or experience. Check out the following ideas to get the ball rolling.

Try Freelancing
Freelancing is one of the best ways to make money on your own schedule. As a freelancer, you will get to set your hours and work from the comfort of home—or any exciting places you plan to travel in retirement. And thanks to online job boards like Upwork, finding freelance work is fairly effortless. If you have specific expertise from your previous career, think about how you can turn these skills into a lucrative freelance business. For example, you could work as a freelance writer, customer service representative, or virtual assistant. Your options are nearly endless!

Join the Gig Economy
Besides freelancing online, there are several ways to earn an income while picking up odd jobs here and there. One of the most popular gig economy jobs is working as a driver. If you have a car, you should be able to find work as a delivery driver or passenger driver through ride-sharing services and delivery companies. Working as a handyman is another common gig economy opportunity. Homeowners are always looking for help with improvement projects and repairs, from installing new appliances to fixing leaky pipes. This is a great way to stay socially and physically active in retirement!

Sell Handmade Crafts
If you enjoy crafting, consider turning your hobby into a job. You could sell soap, candles, jewelry, wall art, quilts, artisan goods—whatever you like! The Simple Dollar recommends selling your handmade items on an online craft marketplace like Etsy, but you could also build your own e-commerce website or sell items at local flea markets and craft fairs. In order to turn a crafting hobby into a successful career, you will have to learn how to run a business.

Get a Retail Job
Working in retail might not sound like the most exciting job, but if you’re a people person, it can be a lot of fun! Retail work can be great for seniors who want to make quick money without searching for clients or building their own business. Plus, working in retail will keep you on your feet so that you can avoid the negative health effects of a sedentary lifestyle. Since retail jobs are very flexible and easy to find, you shouldn’t have any trouble landing work that meshes with your retirement plans.

Work in Nature
If you love nature, look for job opportunities at national, state, or city parks. You could work as a park ranger, campground host, gardener, or even a tour guide at an outdoor historic site. According to GetEducated, you may have to go through formal training to become a park ranger, especially if you’re considering a role as a law enforcement ranger or interpretive ranger. Working as a campground host, on the other hand, does not require training or qualifications, so it can be a great outdoor job for seniors who want to get started right away.

Your post-retirement job doesn’t have to be boring. If you’ve already spent your fair share of time at the office, take this opportunity to explore fun work opportunities and try something new! The right job shouldn’t get in the way of your retirement plans. Take the time to find a flexible job that will make your golden years even better.