Woodhaven Staff

Key Tips on How to Encourage Independent Living in The Golden Years

To age is inevitable⎯it’s something that happens to everyone, and no one is excused (yes, even the wealthiest celebrities and tycoons will age over time). No matter what kind of drugs or daily routine you have right now, you’ll age⎯you’ll see those wrinkles around your face, you’ll easily get tired when standing and you might …

Key Tips on How to Encourage Independent Living in The Golden Years Read More »

Article in today’s Leading Age – Michigan newsletter Planning for the Future

The expected impact that the ‘baby boomers’ will have on the delivery and distribution of health and long term care is substantial. And as life expectancy has lengthened, so too have the number of chronic conditions that the oldest have to contend with. Many seniors find challenges in coordinating long term care with gaps in services, …

Article in today’s Leading Age – Michigan newsletter Planning for the Future Read More »

Tips for Selling Your Home Before Entering an Assisted Living Community

Many seniors eagerly look forward to moving to a community filled with others of similar age and life experience. For them, it’s not a “giving up” of anything worth keeping, but a move that embraces comfort, lifestyle opportunity and freedom from the ongoing responsibility of home maintenance and upkeep. Having conversations with loved ones prior to actual …

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Serving Individuals with Dementia

Potential Therapeutic Benefits of Participation of People with Dementia in Care Farms Care farming is the combination of agricultural production with health and social services (Di Iacovo and O’Connor). The Care Farm is a novel, rapidly growing, and considerably diverse sector in the Netherlands and other European countries. It offers, among others, day care, supported …

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Adult Day Services at Woodhaven

Just what is an Adult Day Services Program, and who can it benefit? According to the National Adult Day Services Association website (https://nadsa.org/learn-more/about-adult-day-services/), Adult day service centers provide a coordinated program of professional and compassionate services for adults in a community-based group setting. Services are designed to provide social and some health services to adults …

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